P.3. Sumdog Awards
Thirty children managed to complete activities on Sumdog this week. This is the highest number yet so a huge congratulations to everyone in Primary 3!!
This week I asked you to concentrate on the times tables as part of your weekly challenge and nearly everyone completed the challenge with excellent results.
Most of you achieved 100% in the 2 and 10 times tables challenge and those of you who tried the 5 times tables challenge as well achieved an average of 80% correct. You all did so well that I can’t pick out top scores so a huge pat on the back to all!!
A special mention to Ben O’Hara and Emma Woods who have been working on all the tables and managing to score nearly 100% across the board!!
In addition to the times table challenge, many of you have been spending extra time on Sumgog, practicing skills at your own level. As usual we list children who have spent a considerable amount of time on Sumdog, but well done to everyone for having a go!!
Dara: 133m
Ben: 99m
Mya: 97m
Ethan: 92m
Eloise: 57m
Thomas: 54m
Conan: 32m
Halle: 30m.
I’m so proud of you children and the effort you are making. Keep up the great work and take a well-deserved rest over the weekend. Hope you and your families stay safe.
St Joseph's PS, 50 Fernaloy Rd, Madden, Co Armagh BT60 3LR | Phone: 028 37531890 | eMail: phart388@c2kni.net