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St Joseph's PS, Madden, Co Armagh

Final AR Awards

4th Jun 2024
We held our final AR awards presentation to mark the end of this years AR program and acknowledge all of the children who made a fantastic effort to reach their target this term.

Two pupils from each class received the ‘Star Reader’ award for making an excellent effort with their reading.

P3: Eimear Smith & Finnian Loughran
P4: Aidan O’Reilly & Molly Connor
P5: Aria Boylan & Adam Breen
P6: Ronan McGurgan, Aine O’Reilly & Katie Maguire
P7: Fergal Mallon & Emma Woods

A large number of pupils met their personal targets and received a gift, as well as an invitation to our school trip to ‘We are Vertigo’. We also marked the amazing achievements of those pupils who doubled, trebled and quadrupled their targets. Well done!??

Homework passes were awarded for the ‘Most Words Read’:

P3: Ava Rose Boylan
P4: Eimear Daly
P5: Lucie Mackle
P6: Ronan McGurgan
P7: Caisi Mackle

A special mention to the boys and girls who became word millionaires. What a fantastic achievement!

P6: DJ Boylan, Victoria Squires & Aria Fahy
P7: Ryleigh O’Hagan, Caisi Mackle & Mya McGurgan

Finally, a massive congratulations to all our pupils for working excellently during this years AR program. Keep up the great reading!