P6 pupils create movies on Ipad
Primary Seven Memories
P2/P3 pupils showcase their hard work
Eco Superheroes
Irish Myths and legends

At the Orchard
Mrs Smith's class Create WW2 leaflets
Telling Stories using Puppet Pals App
P6 & P7 World Around Us work
Navan Fort Poetry Competition Winners
St. Joseph's PS Traditional Group
P6 pupils create movies on Ipad
Mrs Smith's class construct raths (ringforts)
Educating the Community
Active Break
World Around Us project work completed on IPAD
8th May 2015
This term, Mr Hart's class completed their World Around Us work entirely through IPAD. The project examined the Bronze Age and its impact on the landscape surrounding our school. Pupils examined local raths (ringforts) and their lasting impact on place names. They explored the Navan Fort as well as associated myths and legends...

Traditional Day Celebration
Primary One use the Book Creator App
Recount writing using the Book Creator App
19th Jan 2015
Mrs. Donnelly's class explore Recount writing using the Book Creator App.

19th Jan 2015
Mrs. Donnelly's class explore recount writing using the Book Creator App.

Titanic Key Note Presentation
22nd Jan 2015
As part of their topic work, pupils in Mr Hart's class completed independent projects using the Keynote App on IPAD.

E-safety Advice

P3 & P4 ICT work on apples
St Joseph's PS, 50 Fernaloy Rd, Madden, Co Armagh BT60 3LR | Phone: 028 37531890 | eMail: phart388@c2kni.net